Adventist Identity Conference
Date: March 28-30, 2024
Venue: Adventist University of Africa
Mode of presentation: Physical


The Adventist Identity Conference serves as a platform for fostering meaningful dialogue and exploration of the unique identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a rapidly changing world. In a time where societal boundaries between right and wrong, virtue and vice, and certainty and ambiguity are increasingly blurred, it becomes imperative to pause and reflect on the essence of being an Adventist. This conference provides a vital opportunity to contemplate how we can effectively uphold the enduring values of the Adventist faith and preserve the unique identity bestowed upon us by the pioneers of our movement.

The conference aims to create a space where participants can 

  1. Engage in open and constructive conversations about Adventist identity, exploring its various dimensions and implications.
  2. Reflect on the rich heritage and history of the Adventist church, understanding how its foundational principles and values have shaped its identity over time.
  3. Envision the future trajectory of the Adventist church and its role in society.
  4. Contemplate the mission of the Adventist church in the world, highlighting its commitment to spreading the Three-Angels’ message to all nations and people. 


Jiří Moskala

Jiří Moskala

Dean of the Theological Seminary, Andrews University
David Trim

David Trim

Director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, General Conference of SDA
John Reeve

John Reeve

Director of the PhD program, Theological Seminary, Andrews University
Felix Cortez

Felix Cortez

Faculty, Theological Seminary, Andrews University
Theodore Dickson

Theodore Dickson

Chair of the Theological Department, Babcock University
Martha Duah

Martha Duah

Faculty, Valley View University
Mary Getui

Mary Getui

Rei Kesis

Rei Kesis

Faculty member, University of Eastern Africa Baraton
Nehemiah Nyaundi

Nehemiah Nyaundi

Professor, University of Eastern Africa Baraton
Felix Ponyatovski

Felix Ponyatovski

Dean, Theological Seminary, Adventist University of Africa
Gabriel Masfa

Gabriel Masfa

Faculty, Adventist University of Africa
Super Moesi

Super Moesi

Director, Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office, Adventist University of Africa
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