About the Research & Grants Development Office

 Welcome to the Office of Research and Grants’ Development. The Adventist University of Africa (AUA) is a community of scholars whose scholarly and research mission is guided by the wholistic education heritage of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church which acknowledges God as the source of all truth. The University also values responsible/ accountable academic freedom. Therefore, AUA encourages its faculty and staff to seek truth by engaging in research and publications in ways that contribute to their disciplines, the University, its community of scholars, and also beneficial to its primary stakeholders.

Hence, the Office of Research and Grant Development at AUA is established to promote and support faculty and staff research and publications by sourcing grants, facilitating and promoting grant proposal writing, and coordinating major University publications. In addition, the office seeks to establish a culture of research ethics among students, staff, and collaborators with respect to human subjects.

Vision: Our vision is to become a recognized research university in sub-Saharan Africa.

Mission: Our mission is to promote a culture of excellence in research, publication, and research grant development.


AUA faculty members are active in scholarly research and creative works that include publications in peer-reviewed journals, academic and professional conference presentations.

Each year, the Office of Research and Grant Development publishes a report on faculty publications to showcase the research interests of AUA faculty members and how they are actively engaged in the creation and sharing of knowledge.